0.0% ABV | Non-alcoholic Sparkling Wine Alternative

Made from real, proper tea leaves
What if, for a tea-based beverage – and here's a radical idea for you – real, proper tea was used?
Tea, because of all of its associated health claims, often gets used as a buzzword in beverages to try and make them appear healthier than they actually are. The thing is, with most of these so-called tea beverages:
a) Whatever "tea" that is used is made from a concentrate and not actual tea leaves
b) They mix it up with other flavours to the point where you can’t even tell there’s tea in it, then add in a whole heap of sugar to boot
Real, proper tea is rich, complex and nuanced. What if we focused on bringing the most out of the best tea leaves?

A pure expression of high-grade tea
Our aim is to highlight and bring out the qualities inherent within high-grade tea, creating in each bottle a drink of extraordinary purity. A non-alcoholic, sparkling wine alternative that’s refreshing and complex. Something that you can pair with the finest foods or crack open to celebrate the biggest (or smallest) occasions.

Who are we?
Matt and Dawn, a pair of tea nerds that have been immersed in the world of tea for the better part of ten years through our sister company Tea Angle.
Seeing the potential for high-grade tea to be paired with food, with its complexities matching that of the finest wines, we embarked on a journey to develop a non-alcoholic product that was interesting, unique and could stand toe-to-toe with a bubbly bottle of champagne or an exquisite bottle of wine.